Area Sales Supervisor

Forward International

17 марта 2025

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На территории работодателя

Maspex Romania is a subsidiary of Maspex Wadowice Group, one of the largest food companies in central and Eastern Europe. The group is the leading producer of juices, nectar and soft drinks in Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and has a strong position in Hungary, Bulgaria. Maspex is also a front runner in instant product production (cappuccino, 3in1, coffee creamer, hot chocolate and instant tea). Maspex is the Polish market leader in pasta products.In 2011 the Maspex Wadowice Group achieved sales revenues of about 1billion USD. Foreign sales account for 35% of the turnover, with export in more than 50 countries.

Area Sales Supervisor

Candidatul ideal:

  • experienta intr-un post similar este obligatorie (segmentul FMCG,HoReCa);
  • abilitati dezvoltate de comunicare si negociere;
  • perseverenta, seriozitate, spirit de echipa;
  • studii superioare finisate;
  • cunostinte solide limba româna, rusa (scris, vorbit), cunoasterea altor limbi va constitui un avantaj;
  • cunostinte de operare PC ( Excel,Word,Power Point);

Descrierea jobului:

  • coordoneaza activitatea de vanzari a distribuitorilor pe zona alocata;
  • intocmeste rapoarte de activitate specifice;
  • asigura distributia si expunerea corespunzatoare a produselor societatii;
  • organizeaza activitatea agentilor comerciali din subordine (optimizarea traseelor de lucru);
  • implementeaza promotiile in teren.

Telefon: 069132901

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